"A Sanctuary in the City… Living Faith"

Committees of Session


In the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) local Congregations govern themselves through an elected board called the Session. Session members serve for three years. Each year, one third of the Session members retire from Session and are replaced by members elected from the congregation, or agree to an additional three year term. This provides stability and continuity in governing the congregation. A senior Minister moderates the Session which is headed by the Clerk of Session, neither of whom are voting members of the session. Much of the work of directing the mission and ministry of the church is done by committees, in conjunction with the professional staff.

These standing committees report to, and are directed by, Session. Committees of Session are chaired by elders; members of the congregation are invited and encouraged to serve on them as well. Following is a list of our committees and some of the ways in which they contribute to the life of our church.

  • Christian Education–The mission of the Christian Education committee is to glorify God through Christian education for the purpose of fostering faith and commitment, nurturing spiritual growth, and developing servant-leaders. We accomplish this by providing diverse, biblically based programs and learning opportunities. We seek to develop individual’s spiritual gifts, to grow the faith of our church community through the Holy Spirit, to nurture knowledge in Jesus Christ, and to serve God. Christian Education includes Sunday school, adult education, library, Children’s Church, Vacation Bible School, Youth Ministry and children’s nursery.
  • Communications–The Communications Committee meets monthly, or as needed, to define strategies and policies, and to manage and partner with other committees related to the internal and external communications of the church. Specifically, this includes traditional print, advertising, and printed communications as well as social media. One of the major tasks of the Communications Committee is the maintenance of the website.
  • Congregational Life– The Congregational Life Committee is committed to making First Presbyterian Church a warm and welcoming church home for all people. We focus on welcoming visitors and new members, as well as promoting and creating opportunities for fellowship within the congregation. We strive to create and implement events that are meaningful and enjoyable for people of all ages to help them build relationships and become involved in the life of the church.
  • Endowment–The Endowment Committee is charged by the Session with the responsibility of managing the endowed funds of the church, encouraging contributions to the Endowment Fund, and recommending to the Session the annual distributions from the various Designated Funds.
  • Finance–The purpose of the Finance Committee is to manage the Operating and Capital finances of First Presbyterian Church. Committee membership includes Session, staff, and at-large members from the congregation.
  • Stewardship–The roll of the Stewardship Committee is to organize and conduct the annual Stewardship Campaign, the results of which provide the major portion of the funds to operate the church.
  • Health Ministry–The Health Ministry Committee recognizes that health involves the whole person – body, mind, and spirit, and promotes the well-being of individuals and families through all stages of life. It exists to foster a healthful life-style within our local and greater church community through the offering of health education programs, worship services for wholeness and healing, and support of the Health Ministry Coordinator and volunteers.
  • Personnel–The Personnel Committee works in an advisory role to the Pastor/Head of Staff and Session with the following responsibilities: assist in building an effective and efficient work environment; recommend new and revised policies and practices; develop and revise staff position descriptions; recommend compensation for staff through the budget process; provide equal employment opportunities, in consultation with the Presbytery and approved by the Session; support professional growth of staff; recommend strategies to manage risk exposure; support a review process to assist in staff evaluation and work planning; and act as a support team for the pastors and members of the staff.
  • Officer Nominating–The Officer Nominating Committee’s roll is to fulfill the requirements of the Book of Order in that, “Ruling elders and deacons shall be nominated by a committee elected by the congregation, drawn from and representative of its membership, reflecting the rich diversity of the congregation’s membership and shall guarantee participation and inclusiveness.”
  • Outreach–The Committee strives to represent a Christian presence in the local community and to promote faithful service both locally and to the wider world, thus kindling a vision of First Presbyterian Church as a light to our community and to the world.
  • Property Maintenance–The Property Maintenance (PM) Committee manages issues related to the maintenance and improvement of church-owned property. While expertise in matters related to building and property maintenance, budgeting, and insurance is helpful, it is not a prerequisite for serving on the Property Maintenance Committee. Interest in and devotion to the preservation and maintenance of our historic campus is the only requirement for serving.
  • Worship and Music–The Worship & Music Committee is called to partner with the clergy and music leaders of the church to enable and welcome the congregation to taste, see, and hear the goodness of God through worship. The practical aspects of this include worship planning, communion preparation, sound system oversight, and development of diverse congregational involvement in the worship service.