"A Sanctuary in the City… Living Faith"

Delayed Start to Holy Land

We arrived at the airport in Chicago to find out our first flight to Vienna has been cancelled for a medical emergency on the inbound plane. So we were rerouted through Zurich. And we had no choice but to accept an eleven hour layover. So two overnight flights back to back … what to do in between? Certainly not just sit around the airport! So we all got train tickets to Berne (thank you Swiss Airlines) – a little over an hour away. In God’s grace we spent a beautiful afternoon in a UNESCO World Heritage Sight (the entire old city). And we were even able to walk off the bus when we arrived at our destination in Israel at 6:00 am, day three! A challenge, to be sure, and a meaningful experience particularly in how we all supported one another with loving patience and inspiration through the extra trial … which is what pilgrimage is really all about, wherever we go!