"A Sanctuary in the City… Living Faith"

Service of Comfort and Hope

The Christmas season can be a difficult time for those who are grieving a loss. And our losses are many and varied – not only of loved ones, but of a marriage or relationship, of a pregnancy, of a much-loved job, or of our physical abilities. All of these warrant mourning as part of our healing and finding our way forward in life. The Health Ministries Committee invites any of our congregation who come to holidays with spirits dimmed by such losses to a Service of Comfort and Hope following Worship on Sunday, December 17. Whether you have come a long way in your journey with grief or are new to facing the pain of loss, you are most welcome at this service. In word and music, prayer and silence, candlelight and ritual, we will bring our hurt to our God of love, who comes to us again and again with the healing touch of Christ. Associate Pastor Chrissy Westbury and Parish Associates Kathleen Robertson King and Larry Farris will lead this time of remembering, that we might glimpse the light amidst the darkness of loss.