"A Sanctuary in the City… Living Faith"

Walking to Jerusalem Program

Spring is coming soon, and it’ll be time to get outside and move!

To help get us going, The Health Ministry Committee will be sponsoring a virtual Walk from Kalamazoo to Jerusalem (7,633 miles)!

We will track our miles on a wall in the Gathering Place. We will encourage EVERYONE to move and keep track of your own ‘journey’ over the fifty days between Easter and Pentecost. Whether you walk, run, bike, swim, practice yoga or Tai Chi, or just walk from your sitting room to the dining room – keep track of your steps or time. Can’t walk? Count minutes of stationery exercise; every 20 minutes equals one mile. We’ll be adding everyone’s miles together; updating a map every week. Watch for more details in the weekly announcements!

Get moving today!
Personal Exercise Calendar – Use them as mileage slips, just cut these out and stuff them in the ‘mileage box’ every week.
Mileage Outline – see the distance between various cities along the way!
List of Scheduled Group Hikes

Need an easier way to submit your miles each week?
Email us at fpckazootojerusalem@gmail.com


Sunday, May 7: This week’s total is 1,924 miles, and we are still in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Our next stop is Dublin, Ireland, and then on to Amsterdam! Our weekly winners are: Jim VanBuren with 106 miles, and the Bol family with 235 miles. Our new goal, since adding the Atlantic Ocean, is 7,133 miles, so keep up that exercising!

Sunday, April 23:
 Great job exercising last week! We collected 946.6 miles and are already to the Atlantic! Due to the great response, we are adding the ocean miles. This week’s mileage winners are: Margot Kinnear with 113.5 miles, and the DeBruin family with 204 miles! Any questions call Pat Farris@ 350-5307