Sermons on Matthew (Page 2)

Faith Supreme

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost – Genesis 45:1-14; Matthew 15:21-28; Faith Supreme – I wanted to talk about Joseph’s journey into a foreign land, today. It’s a beautiful story. It’s one of the moving narratives in all of Hebrew Scripture. It’s about death and resurrection, in much the same way that is echoed throughout the New Testament.…

Making Lists

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost – Matthew 10:29-31; Ezra 2:1-35; Making Lists – When I turned sixteen, my dear Aunt June wanted to do something special for my birthday.  My two requests were to visit Washington D.C. and have dinner at a French restaurant.  She obliged both.  While I found I enjoyed chocolate mousse much more than goose…

Sent by Jesus: Finding Our Way

Second Sunday after Pentecost – Genesis 18:1-15; Matthew 9:35-10:16; Sent by Jesus: Finding Our Way – I imagine he pretty much had his way as a young man. Sparkling intelligent eyes and a broad grin. Friendly, confident, charismatic. A leader from his youth, with dreams of grandeur. We know Francesco Bernadone lived extravagantly, generously, bordering…

Participating in the Parade

Sixth Sunday in Lent Matthew 21:1-11; Philippians 2:1-11 Participating in the Parade – I saw a sort of parade in our nation’s Jerusalem. On my way to a church conference about this time last year, I borrowed a car from a friend in D.C. I flew to Baltimore and arrived by train at Union Station with a little extra time. So I headed toward the Capitol, about to cross Constitution Avenue … helicopters arrived overhead and sirens blared down the hill toward the Washington Monument and the White House.

Cleaning the Mirror

First Sunday in Lent; Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7; Matthew 4:1-11 – The Bible tells stories of vulnerable people in difficult circumstances, and sometimes particularly blessed and powerful situations; decisions they face and make; ugliness they uncover or beauties they discover. Hear what the Spirit may say.