'Lent' Tagged Sermons

Participating in the Parade

Sixth Sunday in Lent Matthew 21:1-11; Philippians 2:1-11 Participating in the Parade – I saw a sort of parade in our nation’s Jerusalem. On my way to a church conference about this time last year, I borrowed a car from a friend in D.C. I flew to Baltimore and arrived by train at Union Station with a little extra time. So I headed toward the Capitol, about to cross Constitution Avenue … helicopters arrived overhead and sirens blared down the hill toward the Washington Monument and the White House.

Me, Repent? What For?

Fifth Sunday in Lent; Daniel 9:3-10; Mark 1:9-15 – How we are doing in this holy season of Lent, now that we’re more than half way through? Perhaps not a bad time to pause and ask ourselves, “How’s it going?”, it being the spiritual and moral spring cleaning appropriate to the season.

callout - Seth

Seeing Clearly

Fourth Sunday in Lent; 1 Samuel 16:1-13; John 9:1-41 – We try to see what God sees and wants for our world. In Lent we try to focus the eyes of our hearts even more. In this story, Jesus heals a man who’s physically blind. And like all of the gospels, it’s really about Jesus, how people see him. Through John’s literary development and theological revelation, notice where Jesus is or not in the story, and when the man who is healed actually sees him.


Third Sunday in Lent; Exodus 17:1-7; John 4:5-42 – Hebrews on Exodus through the desert, Jesus and the woman at the well … they seek H2O. And these stories are really about the Holy One without whom we cannot live. What truly nourishes us for a good life and a strong faith? What makes our hearts thirsty for God, for a libation of love, a gulp of grace?

Cleaning the Mirror

First Sunday in Lent; Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7; Matthew 4:1-11 – The Bible tells stories of vulnerable people in difficult circumstances, and sometimes particularly blessed and powerful situations; decisions they face and make; ugliness they uncover or beauties they discover. Hear what the Spirit may say.