Every Vote Counts

Have a prayer request? Prayer chain email: KFPCPrayer@gmail.com Online Giving: Online:

Please go to https://www.shelbygiving.com/App/Giving/firs321262 Paper checks can be sent to the church, 321 W. South St., Kalamazoo, MI, 49007.


Call to Worship

Prelude: Improvisation on KINGSFOLD (Michael Montgomery)

Opening prayer


Childrens’ Sermon


Sermon: “Every Vote Counts” The Rev. Dr. Seth Weeldreyer

Scripture: Exodus 35:20-36:1; Matthew 22:15-22



Minute for mission – Head Start

Pastoral Prayer

Sung blessing


Postlude : Earth and All Stars (Wayne Wold)

Worship Leaders:

The Rev. Dr. Seth Weeldreyer

The Rev. Chrissy Westbury

Director of Music, piano: Cindy Hunter

Organist: Michael Montgomery

MaryLou Boughton, soprano