Good Friday Service

With the decision to gather inside again, we are asking everyone who plans to attend in person to RSVP for the Holy Week in-person services, so that we can manage our seating capacity and physical distancing. You will find the link to RSVP through Eventbrite on our website’s homepage. All of the services will also be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 7:00 pm.
On Good Friday we will gather to worship in a quiet, more contemplative mode, remembering the ancient story of Jesus’ crucifixion. The service will incorporate Tenebrae rhythm of readings, music, and dimming lights.
If you choose to come to church, please follow these guidelines.
• If you suspect personal infection or exposure, at all, do not come.
• Wear a mask to cover nose and mouth as long as you are in the building.
• Respect safe distancing as you sit with others in your family “bubble.”
• Sit in pews where cushions remain, not where they have been removed.
• Please wait to be seated by an usher, as we want to seat people in ways that allow as many as possible to worship safely.
• As ever, wash your hands, sanitize, and otherwise practice good basic hygiene.
• While congregational responses will be included, we will not sing together.

• There will be no “coffee hour” socializing after worship.