"A Sanctuary in the City… Living Faith"

'Easter' Tagged Posts

Holy Week

It is a time to put ourselves into the gospel stories as human imperfection, pathos, and resurrection unfold. It is a time for poetry—for expression of what we sense it means for our life, far more than explanation of how it all happened exactly. Because in the end, and the beginning of faith, the great promises of Holy Week are more than something special that happened to Jesus. They are real and revealed ever anew in the rhythms of our ordinary lives.

Walk Kalamazoo to Jerusalem

The Health Ministries Committee invites everyone in the congregation to get healthy by getting moving this spring! Join us in our ‘Walk to Jerusalem!’ We need to collect 3,589 miles to make our imaginary trek from Kalamazoo to Jerusalem. Get your walking shoes, swim suit, bike, cane, or walker ready!!! What kind of exercise counts?…

Health Ministry Committee Events Announced

The Health Ministry Committee is planning is a class on Sunday April 2nd directly following the church service in rooms 314-15. The class will be led by Bev Bloomquist: “Hiking the Himalayas….a Travelogue with Tips on how to Prepare for a Long Walk”. Bev will show slides of the hike/mountain climb that she and Bob did. Should be fun and informative! We are also…