Sermons on Isaiah

Seeing Stars

Epiphany Sunday; Isaiah 60:1-6; Matthew 2:1-12 – They sought complete fullness of Holy Love in human life. Emmanuel. Salvation. A Messiah for all society. Over the ages, we’ve embellished details of their spiritual quest with our interpretation and imagination. Three kings – Gaspar, Melchior, Balthazar, representing Persia, India, Arabia arriving on the 12th day after Jesus’ birth. From that distance their camels must have been turbo-charged!

Rev. Seth Weeldreyer

Love: A Promise Amid Complexities of Life

Fourth Sunday Advent; Isaiah 7:10-16; Matthew 1:18-25 – A central question throughout Matthew’s gospel is how can followers of Jesus fulfill Hebrew Law and yet live in response to ethical realities of their day. To be right with God, how do we nurture life as intended in scripture, yet interpreted relative to changing particularities of our time? Matthew frames the question with an ancestral lineage of faith, including many imperfect people, and unorthodox situations.