'Matthew' Tagged Sermons

Participating in the Parade

Sixth Sunday in Lent Matthew 21:1-11; Philippians 2:1-11 Participating in the Parade – I saw a sort of parade in our nation’s Jerusalem. On my way to a church conference about this time last year, I borrowed a car from a friend in D.C. I flew to Baltimore and arrived by train at Union Station with a little extra time. So I headed toward the Capitol, about to cross Constitution Avenue … helicopters arrived overhead and sirens blared down the hill toward the Washington Monument and the White House.

Cleaning the Mirror

First Sunday in Lent; Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7; Matthew 4:1-11 – The Bible tells stories of vulnerable people in difficult circumstances, and sometimes particularly blessed and powerful situations; decisions they face and make; ugliness they uncover or beauties they discover. Hear what the Spirit may say.

callout - Seth

A Rule for Living Faith – with the Fullness of Peace

Seventh Sunday after Epiphany; Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18; Matthew 5:38-48 – How do I make a difference?” It’s what the Bible is all about in good times and bad. In the beginning, at creation, the Holy One puts humans like you and me in the Garden of Eden. To till and keep it. To nurture balanced and abundant life in all creation. The rest of the story isn’t perfect bliss. People mess up. There are consequences, and circumstances beyond our control. And God loves through it all.

A Rule for Living Faith – with Creativity

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany; Genesis 2:4b-25; Matthew 5:13-16 – It probably began for us all with something like stickers and finger paints, crayons and markers. As toddlers, before we really speak, we make the crazy squiggles and circles, and tentative strokes on paper. Maybe random lines or dots. Before we conceive of anything particular we’re trying to express, our personalities start to show in how we work—with controlled detail, or unbounded exuberance.

A Rule for Living Faith – With God

Psalm 63:1-9; Matthew 4:18-5:12 – Habits, routines, patterns, for good or not so good, they are conscious choices we make, at least at first. We shape our days, our preferences, our priorities. Which flavor? How much time do I need? Do I answer now or not? And after a while, we know they can turn into more thoughtless behaviors which shape who we are. How much time we spend. How we feel after we eat. How we really connect or slip into greater distance. We humans are creatures of habit. What matters are patterns we choose and priorities we pursue.

Take Us To Our Leader

Third Sunday after Epiphany; Matthew 12:9-23; 1 Chronicles 11:15-19 – Our nation has inaugurated a new president. The peaceful transfer of power – no small matter in this widely unsettled world – has been achieved yet again, keeping our 241 year run intact. And for this, we should all be deeply thankful. And yet, significant divisions remain among the citizenry. Some citizens are elated; others anxious. Some dismiss ongoing chaotic rhetoric as just words; others are fearful those words may become policy.

Seeing Stars

Epiphany Sunday; Isaiah 60:1-6; Matthew 2:1-12 – They sought complete fullness of Holy Love in human life. Emmanuel. Salvation. A Messiah for all society. Over the ages, we’ve embellished details of their spiritual quest with our interpretation and imagination. Three kings – Gaspar, Melchior, Balthazar, representing Persia, India, Arabia arriving on the 12th day after Jesus’ birth. From that distance their camels must have been turbo-charged!

Rev. Seth Weeldreyer

Love: A Promise Amid Complexities of Life

Fourth Sunday Advent; Isaiah 7:10-16; Matthew 1:18-25 – A central question throughout Matthew’s gospel is how can followers of Jesus fulfill Hebrew Law and yet live in response to ethical realities of their day. To be right with God, how do we nurture life as intended in scripture, yet interpreted relative to changing particularities of our time? Matthew frames the question with an ancestral lineage of faith, including many imperfect people, and unorthodox situations.