"A Sanctuary in the City… Living Faith"


The Health Ministry Committee wants you! We want everyone to get moving to get healthy this spring. And in order to motivate the congregation, we are inviting everyone to join together in an imaginary “WALK TO JERUSALEM.”

No, we aren’t actually hiking all the way there, but we will be encouraging everyone to keep track of their individual exercise activity – walking, swimming, running, yoga, chair exercise – almost any activity can count. From Easter to Pentecost, keep track of how far you travel each week during your preferred means of exercise. (for stationary activity, twenty minutes of any activity will be equal to one mile). Bring the total to church each Sunday and fill out one of the “mileage slips” which will be available in the Gathering Place. Place the slip in the designated box, and our progress will be charted each week on a large world map. You will also be able enter your mileage on the Church website.

The Health Ministries Committee will also be offering several group hikes around Kalamazoo with varying levels of difficulty. Watch the weekly announcements for updates. We hope you will join us in our goal of collecting the 3,589 miles (we’re jumping the Atlantic Ocean!) from Kalamazoo to Jerusalem this spring, as we walk to Jerusalem!

Get moving today!
Personal Exercise Calendar – Use them as mileage slips, just cut these out and stuff them in the ‘mileage box’ every week.
Mileage Outline – see the distance between various cities along the way!
List of Scheduled Group Hikes

Need an easier way to submit your miles each week?
Email us at fpckazootojerusalem@gmail.com