"A Sanctuary in the City… Living Faith"

The Pastor’s Blog (Page 4)

The Reverend Dr. Seth E. Weeldreyer’s Blog

first impressions

Come and See

First glimpses rarely provide complete understanding. And often our perceptions are quite wrong….We could probably all share times in life when first perceptions of a person or situation proved false. Why is our perception at first so faulty? Filters of memories and cultural messages that we associate with the person or situation color and distort what we see.

accomplishment and purpose climbing mountains

Beyond Individual Accomplishment

All humans look for meaning and purpose. And cultural messages often tell us we’re valuable and good enough, even lovable … when we’ve accomplished something. When we’ve acquired things. When we’ve earned recognition and proved that we are worthy….And yet, for true deep and lasting peace, I believe our hearts and minds and spirits need to be drawn beyond our selves, whatever our successes or stumbles along the way in life.

Immanuel – God with us

“Once upon a time there was a man who looked upon Christmas as a lot of humbug. He wasn’t a Scrooge. He was a kind and decent person, generous to his family, upright in all his dealings with others. But he didn’t believe all that stuff about Incarnation which churches proclaim at Christmas. And he was too honest to pretend that he did. “

wilderness, lonliness, need, wild

In the Wilderness

This week in worship, on our Advent journey to Bethlehem we enter wilderness places. Now, we might imagine favorite hiking, camping, fishing, hunting spots. We might remember feeling the stress release, the euphoria of beauty, a sense of awe and wonder and freedom and even “home” in some of the places which come to mind.
And that’s not quite what Bible writers had in mind

While We Wait…

Last week was the first Sunday of Advent – New Year’s Day for the Christian church! So exciting! We eagerly came into the sanctuary to see the lights and the wreaths. We joyously watched a family begin our familiar Advent story and light the first candle on the Advent wreath. We dusted off the Advent…

Staying Awake for Christmas

This week we begin Advent in the church calendar year. It’s a time to prepare for the coming of Jesus among us at Christmas. On this Saturday morning, our sanctuary will start to be decorated with greens and other adornment of the season. And just outside our doors, in Bronson Park, candy canes are up, lights are hung and lit, and all around downtown or wherever you live and move Christmas music rings out!